Professional Permit Writers
“DCS permit writing services handle the permitting process so you can focus on the project.”
Expert Permit Writing

We meticulously select highly qualified permit writers with extensive experience. These experts become integrated members of your project team, actively participating in daily progress meetings to guarantee projects stay on schedule and meet all regulations. Clear communication is maintained throughout the process with plant leadership and operations teams.
Service Benefits
Our permit writing services minimize project risks. We ensure you have the necessary permits, qualified personnel, and compliant procedures to ensure a safe and efficient project. We take a data-driven approach, tracking key data points and conducting regular audits to verify adherence to the highest safety standards.
Unparalleled Expertise:
Our permit writers possess extensive writing experience in petrochemical plant operations and safety. They also complete our comprehensive training program. This deep knowledge is leveraged collaboratively to uphold safety protocols for personnel and equipment, working closely with your operations, project management, and contractors.
Comprehensive Permit Writing Services:
Our services include a wide range of services to ensure project safety and compliance. This includes:
- Supporting safe project start-up and turnaround planning
- Assisting in the creation of confined space plans
- Reviewing lockout/tagout (LOTO) and blinding procedures
- Developing and issuing safety plans for high-risk activities
- Conducting atmospheric monitoring and testing
- Performing daily field audits
- Leading safety meetings
- Investigating accidents and incidents
- Managing injury cases
- Training contractors on safety plans